I Planned my Interviews Around my Menstrual Cycle and This is What Happened

How you can get your cycle working for you.

Karolina Honzova
5 min readJul 1, 2020
Photo by Paweł Czerwiński on Unsplash

I first began tracking my cycle for a little over 2 months when I suddenly got invited to a first stage interview. Hence, I knew I was going to be exactly halfway through when the first round call takes place.

I never really paid attention to the subtle changes occurring within my body or my emotional state and as to why was that happening, I simply didn’t believe it deserved my attention. Through migraines, sick days, to when I felt flat and tired, through energetic bursts, to momentous slumps, I simply thought that was the way it was meant to be.

I often forced myself to be active when I didn’t want to be and tried to scoop out the last bits of energy I had at the time.

Then I came across the Period Power by Maisie Hill and read all about the changes our bodies go through during each menstrual cycle. And believe it or not, it was quite remarkable. You may have heard about the four phases: Menstruation, Follicular phase, Ovulation, and Luteal phase. These names may not sound very friendly and that’s why I liked Period Power from the very beginning (This section contains an affiliate link.). Maisie sees the cycle as four different “seasons” — Spring, Summer, Autumn, and…



Karolina Honzova

I read a lot of books and write about what I read in these books. I educate myself. Enthusiastic chef, health & fitness advocate, traveler, and marketer.